• Igniting the Light Within

    Intuitve Healer, Coach and Guide for women seeking to fast-track their healing and awakening journeys.

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  • Hi! I'm Katy.

    My healing journey has been a wild ride full of twists, turns, drops and 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway.' I feel truly blessed to step into the light as my true, authentic self.


    I choose to embrace the gifted, mystical, magical, intuitive and WEIRD being that I was Divinely created to be.


    I LOVE being of service through:

  • Services

    It is an honor to be of service!

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    Intuitive Healing Session

    Clear the obstacles

    My private intutive healing sessions clear through the obstacles, release outdated energies, assist clients in getting unstuck and heal core-wounding. It is my intention to usher in more ease, grace and flow by clearing and healing what no longers serves.

    Book Now

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    1:1 Private Coaching for Transformation

    The Big Shift

    I work with private clients for a single month of coaching. It is my intention to provide my clients with the resources, tools and guidance to be equipped to continue their journey without investing in a long-term coaching program. My clients are achieving more in a single month than other coaching services deliver in a full year.

    Available to Healing Clients Only

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    Join the Pure Awakenings Community

    The Awakening Place

    The intention of the community is to provide a safe space to learn, grow, heal and evolve together. Together, we will do SO MUCH. You are never alone.

    Be an Early Adopter! Join for free.

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    Courses & Playbooks

    Self-directed healing

    My courses & playbooks were created to heal a need in my own journey. When I was unable to find something for a part of my own journey, I was guided to create what I needed and then offer it to others. I offer a monthly course option along with a handful of favorites. Check back often to see what is available or sign-up to receive email notifications on new course options.

  • Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening Journey

    Clients choose to coach 1:1 with me when they are ready to take the fast-track on their spiritual awakening journey.


    My 1:1 Awakening Coaching is transformational!


    It is designed for those who are ready to take full responsibilty for their life, take full responsibility for their own healing, catapult through the awakening process and see true transformation in a short 4 weeks.


    My clients are going further in 4 short weeks than I went on my own spiritual awakening path in 15 years. The results are remarkable for those who are ready, willing and able to dig in and do the work.


    I am the catalyst for transformation.

  • Pure Awakenings Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    …one of the most frustrating answers ever. Yet OH SO POWERFUL when embraced. Healing is a...
    This is a question I began asking myself this morning after struggling with my own personally...
    August 15, 2024
    Do you ask for signs?  I do.  But sometimes I forget and my ‘team’ sends them to remind me that I...
    Today, I would like to pass along a gentle reminder the Universe shared with me. Cocoa Beach...
    ...and not the life you are 'supposed' to live. How many people can honestly say that given a...
    ....all we need is love. ❤️ So why do so many of us find it so hard to love ourselves? I...
    ...what if I fall? Ah, but what if you FLY?!?! We all fall from time to time. Whether it is a...
    ….and then LIFE got in the way. Maybe your childhood was not the most supportive or even some...
    …not because ‘you earned it’. NOT because you ‘deserve it’. Not because you did something...
    The most popular question after a introductory session is: I’ve created this post specifically...
    I often get asked, what is an Intuitve Energy Session like? I have been struggling with...
    We’ve all heard it a million times …. Life is hard. The BIG QUESTION IS ...who decided that...
    February 5, 2024 · AHA Moments
    Recognizing that 'it is up to me to set myself free' was a game-changer moment for me! It all...
  • Connect With Me

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