It is Time to Live the Life You Want to Live

...and not the life you are 'supposed' to live.

How many people can honestly say that given a chance for a 'do-over' would chose to be in the exact place, with the exact people, doing the exact same thing they are doing right now?

Are you one of them that would choose exactly what you have?

If your answer was no, nope, I'd tweaked things here or there OR a big fat HECK NO!

...then this message is meant for YOU.

Yep, you, over there pretending that everything is fine and that life is great when you know you put your own self in a box and only showing parts and pieces of the 'real you' that are suitable for the life you are living or the space you are in.

Or maybe you, the one flipping through your socials looking for SOMETHING to bring a little light into your darkness. While your life my 'look great', you are not finding if fulfilling or perhaps you are not feeling that you are a valuable part of your own life right now.

PLEASE! No guilt! No shame! No fear! All of these feelings are NORMAL and a part of the 'awakening' process.

You may be:

🐞Awakening to what could be vs what is.

🐞Awakening to see that you DO have a CHOICE in your life.

🐞Awakening to the fact that you CAN shift it into something that is fulfilling, meaningful and brings joy into your life.

Maybe that begins by adding in hobbies, shifting where you live, stepping into a new profession, 'leveling' up the company you keep, taking a new class or even stepping onto your own spiritual or healing journey.

This does NOT have to be hard!

This can be EASY if you CHOOSE for it to be EASY.

Start with identifying what brings you joy. Begin adding in one a week or whatever feels right to you.

From there, identify what isn't working in your current life.

Pick the easiest one to address and either shift it, transform it, find a fresh perspective (i.e. I'm not laying 10,000 bricks because someone told me to, I'm building a cathedral!), replace it or even simply let it go.

Choose to step into the life you want to live one EASY choice and EASY action at a time. You've got this.

...decide that it WILL be EASY for you!

Choose to step in with ease, grace and flow and let the Universe work her magic around you.


P.S. If you are seeking a new class or two as a way to step into something new, I recommend checking out the classes I offer to bring transformations, breakthroughs and unlock the power you hold within. The August classes hold the power to dramatically shift how you see you and show up in your own world.