Single Session vs. The Big Shift

The most popular question after a introductory session is:

How do I get more of that?!?!?!

I’ve created this post specifically for those who have completed an Introductory Healing Session with me, have one booked or may be considering booking one in the very near future.

I currently offer 2 different paths of continuing to work with me 1:1. Both are designed to meet you where you are at this particular point in your journey.

I call the first path "Trauma Response". This is the option to schedule a session when you are in need of some help, sitting in stuff you are unable to work through easily on your own or are ready for a level up and know it is time for some outside assistance.

This is a great path for those who are NOT seeking quick shifts or changes. This is the path for those who are healing while carrying a full life load that will not allow the space or energy for a quick transformation.

Clients book one of these sessions when they feel they need them. The sessions are 45 minute in length and can be booked through my booking link.

The second path is what I call "The Big Shift." This is the path for those seeking major shifts in their life, ready for massive traction in the spiritual awakening journey and ready for life to CHANGE - RAPIDLY. This is NOT the path for everyone.

Clients that choose this path work with me for (4) consecutive weeks in 90 minute sessions.

This path includes emergency check-ins between the sessions as necessary to keep you moving forward and access to me via the Voxer app for help, guidance and keeping me up to date with all that is happening for you so I may be of greatest service.

Time wise, the "Big Shift" is equivalent to booking (8) single 45 minute sessions. Healing wise, the "Big Shift" is equivalent to booking (20+) individual 45 minute sessions.

The weekly sessions multiply the healing effects.

I attribute this to several different factors including:

  • Investing in yourself and proving that you are ready, willing and committing to this transition
  • The elongated 90 minute sessions allow the space to go deeper into the shadows to address the roots
  • The synergy of weekly sessions gives your ‘team’ the knowing that they can bring things to the surface to be addressed in the weekly session.

My "Big Shift" clients that are ready and open to a major shift receive what they are seeking.

Clients that complete the ‘Big Shift’ path are welcomed into my ‘Inner Circle’. The 'Inner Circle' offers extra perks including:

  • Priority access to my booking calendar as I open up new months
  • Access to me via Voxer
  • Ability to schedule emergency sessions not on my booking calendar - including same day when I am available
  • Early access to new offerings or classes - most at a deep discount or complimentary as the ‘trial run’ on a new concept.
  • Referral bonuses (Receive a complimentary 90 minute session for everyone that you refer that books with me)

Spoiler alert!!! I offer a ‘quick action incentive’ after the first introduction session. These incentives offer special offers and incentives for those who are ready, willing and able to commit to the Big Shift within 48 hours of their first introduction session.

My pricing as of June 15, 2024: