Falling Makes You Stronger.

Learn from the lesson and begin again.

...what if I fall? Ah, but what if you FLY?!?!

We all fall from time to time.

Whether it is a baby learning to walk, learning a new skill, playing 'America Ninja Warrior', not getting the promotion at work, launching a product that flops, or asking and being turned down.

When we take a risk, we may end up with the reward or we may fall flat on our face.

For me, it is not about how many times I fall, but how many times I'm willing to learn the lesson from the fall, then get back up and begin again. (I am an EXPERT at falling!)

Every fall makes me stronger, more determined and smarter from what I learned that didn't work.

The bigger the fall, the greater the lesson.

If falling scares you, don't let it cripple your progress. Choose to take it bit by bit.

Reach for something that is slightly out of reach. Keep doing it until you are a success. Then reach for the next point that is just out of reach and strive until you make it your reality.

When was the last time you fell? What was the lesson in the landing?